As an independent agency, we are here to 帮助 you find the right coverage.
从1933年开始, Boyle Insurance Agency has been focused taking a different approach to serve the insurance needs of the businesses 和 people we work for. 除了保险之外, 我们提供包括风险管理在内的专业服务, 要求监督, 员工福利计划, 重置成本评估.
我们的友好, experienced team is dedicated to community involvement 和 active in professional affiliations. We take pride in our team’s commitment to bettering our local communities 和 the clients we serve, we look forward to working for you to make your insurance experience as simple as possible.
作为一个独立的保险机构, 我们努力满足企业的多种保险需求, 家庭, 私人客户. Because we’re independent, our priority is you—not the insurance company. We represent many different insurance companies that offer a wide variety of coverage options to 帮助 you protect what you’ve built 和 what you value most. 了解更多韦德体育官网机构的信息.
我们的团队不仅为您服务, many put time 和 effort into community involvement 和 professional affiliations.
保险会带来压力, but we do everything we can to make it as simple 和 hassle-free as possible.
We have multiple locations in Tennessee 和 are proud to serve you locally or across the 40+ states we’re licensed in with the same personal touch.
真正的客户. 真正的评论. 真实的报道.
“这些年来我很喜欢和你一起工作. 在你的工作中,你一直是诚实和勤奋的. 我感谢你的帮助,诚实和伟大的谈话.”
点击它. 读它. 覆盖它.
Get a glimpse of the risks you face 和 how your insurance can protect what matters most.
What happens if a board member invests the non-profit's assets unwisely 和 loses everything? A creditor might sue the non-profit as well as its directors 和 军官. 非营利组织也不能免于诉讼. It’s possible someone may disagree with the way you run the organization 和 file suit. 通常, 非营利组织没有足够的财力来应对这类诉讼, 因此将组织置于危险之中.
董事和高级职员责任保险保护你的董事, 军官, 受托人, 员工, 志愿者, 和实体的任何行为或所谓的行为, 错误, 遗漏, 错报, 误导性陈述, 或者违反义务.
Water on the floor, slippery entry in the winter, broken glass/hazardous debris, etc. These can all be accidents waiting to happen that make your non-profit susceptible. Claims may arise due to bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, more.
一般责任保险对任何企业来说都是绝对必要的. 当你被认为负有责任时,它提供了广泛的保险, will also pay to defend any covered lawsuit or action regardless of its merit.
If one of your 员工 receives an injury or becomes ill due to a work-related occurrence, 法律要求你有适当的保险.
Workers' compensation protects your 员工 should a job-related injury or sickness occur during the course of employment. 这是法律要求的,可能因地区而异, so be sure that you underst和 your obligations for all physical locations where your business operates in 和 all physical locations where you hire your 员工.
当火灾发生时, 盗窃, 或者另一种灾难来袭, your commercial property 和 everything within it can suffer a significant loss. 这可能对您的组织产生不利影响.
Commercial property insurance can 帮助 protect the property your business owns 和 leases, 包括设备, 库存, 家具, 及设施. 无论你是拥有自己的办公大楼还是租用自己的办公空间, commercial property insurance can be purchased separately or can be combined with other necessary coverage to protect your business’ physical assets.
On average, it's estimated that three out of five businesses will be sued by their 员工. 索赔可以源于任何事情, 比如有人把笑话理解错了,被冒犯了. While there is nothing you can do to prevent someone from filing a lawsuit, there is something you can do to limit the costs of defending a legal claim.
The right coverage is critical to your risk management process as it protects against discrimination, 错误的终止, 性骚扰, 以及其他与就业有关的指控.
What would you do if an email virus impacted the operation of your database 和 prevented you from serving clients for a day or more? Or what if a hacker or cyber criminal caused a system outage or extended downtime, 让你的生意无法运作? These 和 other events can destroy your ability to serve clients 和 bring in revenue, which can have a major long-term impact on the viability of your business.
Business income insurance compensates you for lost income if your company cannot operate as normal due to disaster-related damage that is covered under your commercial property insurance policy, 比如数据泄露或网络攻击. 营业收入保险涵盖你本应赚取的收入, 根据你的财务记录, 灾难没有发生吗. 该保险还包括运营费用, 像电, that continue even though business activities have come to a temporary halt.
Lawsuits can happen to anyone, the damages can be hefty whether you win or lose. 即使你没有做错任何事,你也需要为自己辩护. 所以不管合同是否有要求, 没有专业责任保险, 你可能会把公司的未来置于危险之中.
类似于董事和高级职员责任保险, professional liability coverage protects against liabilities resulting from mismanagement of the organization, as well as workplace-related claims such as discrimination or 性骚扰. 它不仅包括董事和高级职员, 还有员工, 志愿者, 以及非营利组织本身.